Esquites "La Principal" en Valladolid


Basado en 7 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs


De 509
en Valladolid
De 123
de cocina Mexicana en Valladolid

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Samaritana Antojería & Restaurante, México

08/03/2024: Don’t plan to visit Oaxaca this visit to Mexico? When in Valladolid don’t miss eating at Samaritana Antojeria. The mole is exceptional, using a mother in law’s recipe. The mezkel speaks for itself. Wish I had more nights in Valladolid to come back to try some of the other dishes!
07/03/2024: Lovely small restaurant serving excellent Oaxacan cuisine. We had three mole chicken enchiladas and they were super. Flan for dessert also tasty. Highly recommend! It’s a good place to try some Mexican food other than Yucatecan specialties. Also very reasonable!

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